Acne causes so much trouble to everyone, but most especially during the teenage years. The worst part is, it just breaks out at any time of the day. This is the reason why it also causes emotional distress sometimes. Usually, acne goes away by the time we are already in our thirties, but there are still people who still have it in their forties or fifties.
There are several acne treatments. The treatments may involve lifestyle changes, medications, and medical procedures. Some types of acne can be treated only by using products but if you think you have sensitive skin, seek a walk in clinic Guelph advice first before trying anything. Acne is a part of our lives – everyone experienced having it and will experience having it. There is no reason to be insecure when you have this because it is a problem that we can be fixed or managed.
So, here are the eight commonly known facts about acne:
1. Acne is almost treatable. Some people might think that acne isn’t treatable at all. As long as you understand and know the cause of your acne you can just easily find products that can treat it. Daily cleansing, exfoliating, and hydrating can also help you control your acne.
2.It isn’t true that if you do not wash your face enough, it can cause acne. The reason why we have an oily face because our skin produces it naturally, and we call that sebum, sebum means an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands. According to Healthgrades, our skin naturally produces sebum to keep it from getting too dry and acne develops when too much sebum is produced or the skin’s chemical makeup changes. Poor personal hygiene can cause acne though, so it is still important to clean our skin and takes care of it.
3. French fries, chocolates, and oily foods do not cause acne. It is important to keep the junk food consumption for other health reasons because obviously, junk food isn’t healthy. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that junk food or the grease in our food causes acne. An increase in oil production is the reason why it leads to breakout, but we usually get it from food that has a high glycemic index in high-starch foods such as, potatoes, pasta, white rice, white bread, and foods high in sugar.
4. Drinking a lot of water to prevent acne isn’t true. Well, drinking a lot of water helps us from being hydrated, which also means helping our skin’s overall health but there is no specific evidence yet that water lessens acne.
5. One major contributor to acne is stress. Stress itself does not mean the cause of acne but the cause of your body to make hormones called androgens or male sex hormone called testosterone and changes in hormone levels can cause or worsen acne. So, if you have a very important event coming, or we can just say your wedding day, having acne breakouts is a nightmare. Just relax and breathe before the upcoming event, so it is really important to just hire event organizers to pass the stress away. Sleep is also very important to reduce stress, keep everything in perspective and avoid the things that you think will make you worry and sweats.
6. Treating acne isn’t fast and easy. You have to make time treating your acne. Acne treatment needs patience because there is no quick fix in treating this skin condition. If you want to have healthy-looking skin, taking good care of it every day is very important.
7. Age, hormones, and genetics are more likely the reasons for having acne. Breakouts usually happen during our teen years because hormonal changes happen during this time. According to Kidshealth, acne is so common that it is considered a normal part of puberty. Genetics also has been shown to play a role in having acne, you can also see that it runs in families. According to Healthline, genetics can determine how effective your immune system is at warding off Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), a bacteria that promotes acne, P. acnes stimulates the production of oil in the follicle and causes inflammation.
8. Tanning doesn’t help you get rid of acne. Tanning probably helps us in hiding acne, but it doesn’t help us from not getting rid of it. As we all know, too much sun exposure will raise the risk of having skin cancer, it also speeds up getting wrinkles. Bear in mind that if you are having a skin treatment for your acne, your skin is already sensitive to the sun.
Having acne causes emotional problems, for some, it could knock out confidence and self-esteem. Others may have insecurity, self-pity, or even self-doubt because of it. Many are concerned about what people might think about them or of undergoing treatments. Just remember, it is okay to have acne. It is a part of a person’s life. What you can do is take good care of your skin and have patience in treating it.
There are lots of remedies to avoid this skin condition, and sooner or later you will no longer suffer from it because it will go away for good. So, you must not put too much pressure on yourself just because you have acne breakouts, there is no reason to be insecure just because you have no clear skin. It is okay to have acne scars, it is okay not to have clear skin.