Top 8 Health Concerns For Men

Men can be great caretakers. Either from putting attention to their car or putting extra hours at work to earn money for his kid’s college fund. They tend to cover all the bases. But it seems there’s one exception, their health. 

The ability to enjoy life to the fullest requires an investment to maintain a healthy body and prevent health complications. As a man, your proper diet must meet the needs of your body, must fit with your lifestyle and reduce the risks of disease. 

Men are to be known to put their health last. For as long as they can live up to their roles in society, men think they are healthy and are not considering their risks. 

Men see a doctor less than women. Most likely, they only go to the doctor when already experiencing a serious condition. In general, men focus less on preventive care. 

Staying healthy means paying attention to more than just your physical body — it involves your emotional and mental health, too.

These health threats are not secrets. They are common and often preventable.

1. Prostate cancer 

Prostate cancer is a cancer type that occurs only in men. Well, women don’t have prostates. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland behind the penis that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm.

2. Heart health

Heart diseases come in many different forms. If undetected, all its forms can lead to serious, fatal complications such as heart attack or stroke.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading men’s health threat.

3. Diabetes

Diabetes is a silent health threat for men. It usually begins without symptoms.

Diabetes puts both women and men at greater risk for other underlying conditions like heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, loss of vision or amputation of a leg, foot or toe. But diabetes hit guys directly below the belt, which leads to the next health concern,  Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

4. Erectile Dysfunction

Men with erectile dysfunction report less enjoyment in life and are more likely to be depressed. Also, doctors consider erectile dysfunction an early warning sign for cardiovascular disease. The process that causes heart attacks and strokes are also the most frequent cause of ED.

 If you have erectile dysfunction, see your doctor, and ask if more than your sex life is at risk.

5. Depression

Men tend to posture themselves as a bulwark of strength. Society also expects them to take their emotions in and control them. When overwhelmed by despair, men often deny or try to cover it up. But depression is not a sign of failing masculinity.

Depression is a common problem and is not a sign of emotional weakness. It is not just a bad mood or the blues. Depression in men changes how they think, feel and function in daily life. It can impact relationships. It affects sleep, diet and overall enjoyment of life. Depression can interfere with productivity.

Many men find it difficult to talk about their feelings. Often, depression gets overlooked and untreated. This can have serious consequences.

6. Low testosterone levels

Testosterone is responsible for creating sex drive and influences sperm production and fertility. Low testosterone is also termed Hypogonadism. This condition occurs when men do not produce enough testosterone to meet the normal needs of the body.

Visit a doctor if you believe you may have low testosterone. A blood test can be done to figure it out. If you are diagnosed, your doctor may advise other tests to find out the causes.

7. Colon Cancer 

The colon is the final part of the digestive tract, or simply, it is the large intestine. It is where the body draws out water and salt from solid wastes. 

Colon cancer does not show symptoms during the earliest stages. As it progresses and untreated, cancer can spread to other parts of the body such as the liver. 

8. Lung Cancer

If there is one disease that leads the cause of cancer deaths among men, it’s lung cancer. This is a terrible disease that is often associated with smoking. While it is the biggest risk factor, lung cancer is not exclusive to smokers. 

Fortunately, the men’s health threats are preventable. Choose a healthy lifestyle. Incorporate a healthy diet with physical activities. 

It is also important to manage risky behaviours. These include drinking too much alcohol, smoking and engaging in casual sex. 

It is possible to sail through life without having too many health problems. Staying healthy and preventing health issues are important to provide security for your loved ones. 

Pay attention and listen to your body. Talk with an online doctor about your risk factors for disease. You can schedule an appointment in a walk in clinic Hamilton.

Be on top of your health. You can take control by knowing the actions you can take to combat your top health challenges.